Friday, September 11, 2009

The 13th God ~ Instant Transmogrification ~ Sword 01

The first sword our (currently unnamed) hero obtains is this one. You know you like it like this. Oh, no need for a scroll box this time, wait till you get story line tee hee.

Name: Instant Transmogrification
God: Kuljar
Elemental: Space
Sword Type: Rapier
Power of self: Move instantly between point A and point B, as long as there are no objects completely blocking point B.
Power of attack: Move defender instantly between point A and point B, as long as there are no objects completely blocking point B.
Power of defense: Body takes up no space rendering oneself invisible/invincible, as long as the user doesn't move while in this state.
Power of objection: Change the amount of space an object takes up, this includes size and mass. Objects of changed space only last a short amount of time, depending on how drastic a change.

A sword forged from Kuljar, the god of space. Formed to look like the rapier and was never actually meant for fighting as much as it was meant to defend and be a form of transportation. Kuljar was the kindest of the twelve gods. He did not want to harm anyone, even if it would mean saving the universe. Because of his feelings he decided to be forged into something that would, to his hope, be used never to take another being's life, so he make himself into a mighty sword of transmogrification. Due to the fact that many have lost faith, Kuljar has now lost all but the simplest of his powers, but he can still use limitless power on the other swords, due to their powers being intertwined.

That's pretty much how swords go, probably will take a week to hammer out the next story, so until then, our hero is in limbo, or at least sleeping in his bed. Maybe he should heed a god's will and start doing something eh?

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